*** Updated 12/6/19 – There are now 4 maps and 4 data tables reflecting district enrollment at the elementary school
Category: Taxes (School Levy)
2017 WGSD Annual Meeting
The 2017 WGSD Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, October 23rd, 2017 at 6:00 PM in the Evergreen Elementary
FRMS Session Handout
The fourth and final community engagement session related to the future of Fox River Middle School is scheduled for 3:30
FRMS Listening Sessions
At the August 7, 2017 WGSD COW (Committee of the Whole) meeting the architectural firm Plunkett Raysich Architects (PRA) presented
2016 WGSD Annual Meeting
The 2016 WGSD Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, October 17th, at 6:00 PM in the Evergreen Elementary Multi-Media
4K Saves Taxpayers $300,000
Great news for Waterford’s youngest students, the community, and taxpayers. To begin, WGSD had a very successful first year in 2015-16
Committee Mtgs – Sep 14, 2015
Three WGSD committee meetings were held on Monday, September 14th. They are Policy & Curriculum, Personnel & Finance, and Technology. You
School Tax Comparison
At the June 22nd school board meeting, I made statements comparing WGSD mil rates to other nearby districts. The purpose
4K Showdown – Mar 6, 2014
(Update 3/11/14: At last night’s committee meetings the Board acknowledged the large amount of surplus revenue that comes from a