Video and Chat Transcript of 8/10/20 Town Hall Meeting

The following Wateford Area Schools Town Hall Meeting took place virtually via Zoom Web Conferencing on August 10, 2020. The transcript of the chat box questions and many answers (chat) are pasted below. Many other questions were answered verbally near or around the time of the question. The meeting started at 5 PM, but I missed some of the meeting as my audio wasn’t configured correctly. I started the video recording once my audio was enabled. Like many that wanted to participate, I know the District is disappointed about the oversight of the 100 participant limit and it looks like they are going to make up for that with additional Town Hall Meetings and with much higher participant limits. Rightfully so, people have already shared their concerns. Let’s please now focus on the positive that we have school administrators and school board members that allow and encourage this type of meeting, as well as transparency, to take place during this ever changing time with so many passionate and different points of view. Thank you!

Posted by Matt Kranich on 8/10/2020
WGSD Parent
About this webpage: WGSD Meetings

Start of Transcript

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  04:59 PM
this meeting has a max 100 participants per message received

From Daniel Foster to Everyone:  05:01 PM
Thank you for that feedback.

From Daniel Foster to Everyone:  05:06 PM
It appears that some people are having audio issues.  Audio is open on the host side. When we host the second meeting, we will use a different platform that will not limit participants.

From Megan Levas to Everyone:  05:06 PM
Can we begin asking questions here or should we wait until the end?

From Daniel Foster to Everyone:  05:07 PM
We will open for questions shortly.

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:08 PM
are you screen sharing the plans you are walking through?

From Daniel Foster to Everyone:  05:10 PM
We are here to gather feedback rather than unfold entire plans. Updated plans will be shared by August 25.

From Jason Halonen to Everyone:  05:13 PM
Please keep in mind that older children in the middle school may need to be home at the same time as the younger students for child care needs.

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:14 PM
you are not sharing

From JW to Everyone:  05:15 PM
All DRAFT plans for Waterford Graded can be found in the Board meeting minutes/notes on the WGSD website.

From abby to Everyone:  05:15 PM
For in person classes, What precautions are going to be in place? High School

From mw to Everyone:  05:15 PM
is 7-31 still the current draft

From Megan Levas to Everyone:  05:15 PM
Will you be doing temperature checks, or symptom checks at the beginning of each day for all students?

From Watkins to Everyone:  05:16 PM
Will you allow exemptions for those students that can not or do not want to wear masks?

From Amanda & David Walechka to Everyone:  05:16 PM
will hand sanitizer be available and can we send it with our kids?

From Jason Halonen to Everyone:  05:16 PM
Thank you.

From Jay Harris to Everyone:  05:16 PM
What is the protocol for cases (either student or teachers) at every level?

From mw to Everyone:  05:16 PM
What kind of notice is anticipated for moving between models

From Angela Friel to Everyone:  05:17 PM
High School: should hybrid be necessary, in order to  isolate viral spread, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to have group 1 Monday/tues- wed clean-and have group 2 Thursday/Friday?

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:17 PM
High School – what safety measures have been implemented? Example, hand sanitizer stations? stickers?

From Vesta to Everyone:  05:17 PM
HS:  in any model, will every class be streamed so students who must stay home due to caution or quarantine will be able to keep up, synchronized if possible, without falling behind?

From Megan Levas to Everyone:  05:17 PM
Why the split to monday/thursday and  tues/friday?  Will you be disinfecting between the two cohorts each night.  Would it be easier to do Monday/Tuesday and the Thurs/Fri so you can disinfect Wednesday between groups?.

From Greg Gotcher to Everyone:  05:17 PM
What about those with special needs that cannot handle masks?

From Nicole Lopez to Everyone:  05:18 PM
regardless of which plan you decide on…. will there be an IN PERSON registration for middle school? my child is very nervous about not being able to see his new school beforehand

From Teresa Walworth County to Everyone:  05:18 PM
what will an elementary classroom look like? will their be dividers on tables or other distancing measures in place?

From abby to Everyone:  05:18 PM
High school: How will it be handled if someone gets sick during school? What symptoms will warrant going home , testing, etc. Cold and flu season is coming up and they both have the same symptoms.

From Todd Vandehey to Everyone:  05:19 PM
Will distancing and wearing of masks be required and enforced after the mandate expires?

From mw to Everyone:  05:19 PM
On the 7-31 draft plan for Fox River it discusses A/B (M/Th) (T/Fri) hybrid plan. Is that still the plan, wondering if having different groups of students in the school each day is the best plan. Maybe Group A M/T and B R/F would limit exposure better.

From Chrissy to Everyone:  05:19 PM
elementary level. what is the plan more, specifically for in person and distancing when In the classrooms?

From Brian McLaughlin to Everyone:  05:19 PM
HighSchool 1) masks required? 2) halls/stairs one way? 3) plan for instructor positive test? 4) Do you have plans if subs needed, especially for specialized classes such as AP Calculus? 5) Thresholds to change between delivery types? 6) Do you have a sample testing plan in place?

From Megan Levas to Everyone:  05:21 PM
will their be building specific subs that do not have to rotate to different schools?

From ECM to Everyone:  05:21 PM
At what point will you determine the school wil be need to be closed?  How many total people ill?

From Nanette Noel to Everyone:  05:21 PM
Special Ed kiddos – I have 2 autistic boys with IEPs, one going into K5 and one in EC.  I am very concerned for my K5 son who lived to go to the bus daily and thrived at school with a routine and being social with others.  Are there considerations in place, given the small number of students in these area per grade, allowing them to be face to face consistently for 5 days a week.  Virtural or even hybrid is far too difficult at home for me to accommodate.

From jg to Everyone:  05:21 PM
What about lunch hour where you can’t really wear a mask? High School

From Stephanie Schmitt to Everyone:  05:21 PM
With a hybrid model, it had been said that there would be a split based on last names, does that mean that school would be in session for group A 2 days or part time and then virtual part time and then rotate with group B?  What are parents who work full time outside of the home supposed to do for child care and learning expectations?

From mw to Everyone:  05:21 PM
On the draft schedule for Fox River at the bottom there are green/silver/falcon and Waterford/Spirit/EB groups, is this for the Hybrid plan?

From Jennie nowicki to Everyone:  05:22 PM
did we get an update on if the students can come back into the school if we as parents choose to initially use jedi the first semester

From johnleon to Everyone:  05:22 PM
Elementary, If a child violates distancing policies, how is that going to be handled? We need to remember these are just children.

From Jennie nowicki to Everyone:  05:22 PM
is there an even amount of individuals if we use last names to split the students?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:23 PM
At the HS students may return to school at second semester after attending JEDI first semester.

From Me to Everyone:  05:23 PM
What requirements will there be for face coverings or masks? It was recently reported that some coverings, like fleece pull ups, can actually increase the spread as they do not absorb and break the water droplets into smaller droplets that are more easily dispersed.

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:23 PM
does jedi offer AP classes?

From ds293 to Everyone:  05:23 PM
HS:  in any model, will every class be streamed so students who must stay home due to caution or quarantine will be able to keep up, synchronized if possible, without falling behind?

From Todd Vandehey to Everyone:  05:23 PM
Will the Teachers be temperature screened each day?

From Jason Halonen to Everyone:  05:23 PM
In the elementary schools is there a process in place to ensure the students don’t mix up their masks? It seems as though kids tend to mix up items such as gloves, hats, boots etc.

From dnahan to Everyone:  05:23 PM
How are we addressing current hospitalization and cases in our Waterfords Area since Racine county encompasses a very large area for outbreaks. Since the CRCHD has authority to close our schools how do we know our numbers are accurate?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:24 PM
At the high school the lunch room will be expanded to other areas of the buildings to create social distancing.
Yes, JEDI does offer AP

From Kelly to Everyone:  05:24 PM
will there be any accommodations for hearing impaired students who rely on lip reading, who struggle with hearing when people wear masks?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:25 PM
At the HS the expectation is that students wear a face covering.  We will investigate fleece pull ups.
Both districts receive data from Racine County Health that reports numbers for Western Racine County.

From Mike’s iPad to Everyone:  05:25 PM
if we have kids in two different grades and we were in a hybrid model, could they go to school on the same days? thanks

From dnahan to Everyone:  05:26 PM
suggestion—Have the kids take a sanitary wipe as they enter the classroom to clean their area/touch points.

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:26 PM
The Districts will work with Racine County to determine if a threshold is met to close schools.

From Jason Halonen to Everyone:  05:27 PM
If there is a shut down, will all schools close or will it just be the particular school with the out break?

From Heather Hutchison to Everyone:  05:27 PM
elementary level: what is the busing plans and precautions.

From Chrissy to Everyone:  05:28 PM
what will the plan be for Evergreen if they don’t have enough space due to not having break out rooms?

From Gina Frahman to Everyone:  05:28 PM
When do we have to make a decision between in school or virtual?

From ECM to Everyone:  05:28 PM
HS – Please expand on the JEDI program

From Watkins to Everyone:  05:28 PM
I have health concerns for children wearing masks 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, especially when children are not affected by COVID and even the CDC admits they don’t prevent disease. Not only are there studies showing that masks could potentially spread disease and decrease air quality, but the psychological issues surrounding masks can not be overlooked. My student learns better in the classrom but can not wear a mask due to headaches and anxiety.  Is it fair for her to be discriminated against?

From abby to Everyone:  05:28 PM
High school: How will it be handled if someone gets sick during school? What symptoms will warrant going home , testing, etc. Cold and flu season is coming up and they both have the same symptoms.

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:28 PM
Jason. Each case will be evaluated to make the appropriate response.  If would be unlikely to close all.

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:28 PM
HS: what training has been given to teachers to address this new model?
From Stephanie Schmitt to Everyone:  05:28 PM
I was trying to access the website “Return to school 2020-2021” and I am getting an error message “Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:29 PM
Thanks Stephanie.  We will check on it.

From mw to Everyone:  05:29 PM
Although I understand the number of days out of school being a challenge, for those with difficulty with transitions and special needs, a different routine everyday can really be a challenge

From johnleon to Everyone:  05:30 PM
Thanks dembosky

From Kelly to Everyone:  05:31 PM
how many hours of school do high school students go during the hybrid schedule?

From ECM to Everyone:  05:31 PM
What happens if plans are not ready by 8/25?

From abby to Everyone:  05:32 PM
If a teacher or student tests positive will everyone that was in contact with the person be notified and quarantined until tested or the 14 days passes?

From mw to Everyone:  05:32 PM
Once plans are set forth on 25th, how solid can parents expect them to be?  

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:33 PM
why did you state that ‘100% virtual is last option?’

From Tim Kwiatkowski to Everyone:  05:33 PM
If your child does the JEDI program in high school is it a full year commitment?

From Jason Halonen to Everyone:  05:33 PM
Will the 10 day truancy policy apply during the pandemic?  Will a doctor’s excuse be required with absences?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:34 PM
I believe 100% virtual should have been 100% online for all students is least desirable option.

From Me to Everyone:  05:34 PM
When will the high school send out more information about the JEDI program, that was approved on Friday?

From Stephanie Schmitt to Everyone:  05:35 PM
I agree and like the livestream virtual lesson if kids are at home.
From johnleon to Everyone:  05:35 PM
Elementary, will masks be required during recess? will they have phys ed?

From chris to Everyone:  05:35 PM
if my child gets the flu and I am not sure if it is covid, does the school offer covid testing help?

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:35 PM
HS: have teachers had training over these past months to teach virtual classes?

From Chrissy to Everyone:  05:35 PM
what will the plan be for kids if we start having teachers who are out. this is to be expected many teachers have young kids at home as well. as I understand now if a sub is not available classes will double up. how will this be handled?

From Don Norwick to Everyone:  05:36 PM
Ditto Chrissy’s Question.

From Mike’s iPad to Everyone:  05:36 PM
will you be selling masks?

From ECM to Everyone:  05:36 PM
Have teachers been educated on what to look for symtoms in a student at all levels?

From Jennie nowicki to Everyone:  05:36 PM
 how can you effectively wipe down playground equipment or what measures are we going to do when the kids are at physical education time

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:37 PM
The HS District will follow Racine County’s recommendation regarding contacting staff and student that come in contact with a positive case.

From Watkins to Everyone:  05:37 PM
Why are the masks being used beyond the mandate?   Children are the least affected by this virus.

From ECM to Everyone:  05:37 PM
Can you please share those recommendation
From Brian McLaughlin to Everyone:  05:38 PM
High School How often will rooms and equipment (such as science) be cleaned?

From jg to Everyone:  05:38 PM
High School: Are the plans for opening following the CDC and WHO guidelines?

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:38 PM
can plastic face shields be a substitute for masks

From Watkins to Everyone:  05:39 PM
I think it’s more more rational to have extra time between classes for children to wash hands and sanitize desks in between, that is far more effective than a face covering.

From Michelle to Everyone:  05:39 PM
I agree with Watkins statement…no need to extend masks when they can be harmful to everyone ..esp extended timeframes…..

From Karen Battani to Me:  (Privately) 05:40 PM
HS: will choir be able to sing and band able to play their instruments?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:40 PM
The plans for reopening are following Racine County Health guidelines.

From Jay Harris to Everyone:  05:40 PM
Is JEDI a full-semester commitment or can you take a wait and see approach to in-person?

From Erin Olson to Everyone:  05:40 PM
will chrome books be available for everyone?

From Jennie nowicki to Everyone:  05:40 PM
thank you very much

From ds293 to Everyone:  05:40 PM
If kids are staying in 1 classroom all day, that really limits any physical activity. I worry about the consequences of that.  I know there are no good answers with any of this.

From Angela Friel to Everyone:  05:40 PM
WIAA- what will sports look like?

From Erin Olson to Everyone:  05:41 PM
will hit lunch be offered?

From Tanya’s to Everyone:  05:42 PM
Any idea what the school supply lists look like?

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:42 PM
hot lunch is a go.

From Danni Ketterhagen to Everyone:  05:42 PM
HS: Are Fall Sports still being offered? Volleyball?

From bw to Everyone:  05:42 PM
Last year we were allowed one chrome book per family . Will each student get a chrome book this year to bring to and from school to prepare if they are sick or school shuts down

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:42 PM
School supply lists will be going out shortly.

From mw to Everyone:  05:42 PM
The safety measures in the agenda for this meeting indicates masks until September 28th per EO, and then expected to be worn thereafter…if the executive order doesn’t extend, will the mask requirement change or adjust in the school setting?

From abby to Everyone:  05:42 PM
How can we make a full decision on Jedi without knowing what the plan is for High school?

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:43 PM
will you need room helpers on 2-3 hr shifts to help santitize

From Tanya’s to Everyone:  05:43 PM
Thank you!!

From The Great Ham Cooker to Everyone:  05:43 PM
Elementary school: I know WASP is not school-related or affiliated, but do you know if that will continue for the before school care?

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:43 PM
why the delay in hosting this meeting and making decisions?

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:44 PM
WASP  will continue.

From Tim Kwiatkowski to Everyone:  05:44 PM
after all these months isn’t there any specific science information? this sounds so off the hip! definitly sounds like its all going to be a huge distraction all the way around

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:44 PM
would desks placed in a large circle 3 feet apart lesson contact. Also, names placed on chairs

From johnleon to Everyone:  05:45 PM
agree with mw and watkins, why extend the masks past the EO?

From chris to Everyone:  05:45 PM
did you say yes or no to hot lunch being served?

From Suzanne to Everyone:  05:45 PM
What percentage of parents wanted in-person school from the July survey?

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:45 PM
Hot lunch is a yes

From dnahan to Everyone:  05:45 PM
Both my wife and I are in the healthcare field and are very comfortable with our kids going back to school face to face.  We are glad the focus is on that plan.

From Erin Olson to Everyone:  05:45 PM
if it is the two day schedule any flexibly if switching to the other two days due to work schedule?

From johnleon to Everyone:  05:45 PM
agreed dnahan

From mw to Everyone:  05:46 PM
For the virtual option, will teachers be teaching from home or the classroom

From Me to Everyone:  05:46 PM
Obviously everyone was caught off guard by the 100 participant limit, but thank you very much for offering this meeting and the manner in which it is/was being run.

From mw to Everyone:  05:46 PM
Will the virtual teaching format be google meets as in spring?

From Stephanie Schmitt to Everyone:  05:47 PM
I am also interested in the results of the parent survey that were gathered.  Will you be sharing the results or will parents have access to that data?

From Kelly to Everyone:  05:47 PM
How many classes are hs kids going to have each day if on a hybrid schedule. Will there still be a drop two schedule as planned?

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:47 PM
We will post the data on the reopening page asap

From Janet Lago to Everyone:  05:47 PM
Elementary/middle school – will masks be provided by the district?  I thought the FAQs originally stated that?

From Greg Gotcher to Everyone:  05:48 PM
What about other things besides sports?  Choir, band, theater at the high school level

From bw to Everyone:  05:48 PM
Last year we were allowed one chrome book per family . Will each student get a chrome book this year to bring to and from school to prepare if they are sick or school shuts down

From Watkins to Everyone:  05:48 PM
I am a nurse and took a deep dive into the masks, EVERY study showed they don’t prevent disease and may even cause spread of illness because the masks get moist, become a breeding ground for viruses & bacteria and then you are touching that mask and spreading it that way as well.  Are we going to trust the data or the bureaucrats?

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:48 PM
What about other things besides sports?  Choir, band, theater at the high school level

From jg to Everyone:  05:48 PM
What about band and choir? How will that look? High School

From Erin Olson to Everyone:  05:49 PM
chrome books??

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:49 PM
throw away hot lunch plates and utensils?

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:49 PM
Chrome books..yes.

From Heather Hutchison to Everyone:  05:49 PM
Elementary Level: what will the virtual days going to differ from the spring?

From Suzanne to Everyone:  05:49 PM
I agree with Watkins on the masks.

From mw to Everyone:  05:49 PM
Chromebooks – each student or each family?

From Ed Brzinski to Everyone:  05:50 PM
each student

From mw to Everyone:  05:50 PM

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:50 PM
The recommendations regarding face coverings is derived by the Racine County Health Department.

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:50 PM
are we going to be keeping politics out of school regarding masks? how will you be addressing kids who refuse to wear masks for non-medical reasons?

From ECM to Everyone:  05:50 PM
 Can you pleas go into more detail on chromebooks?

From abby to Everyone:  05:50 PM
Why can’t you release what the plan is so parents and students can make decisions? If you have to sign up for Jedi prior to the 25th when we do not know what the plan is for school?

From dnahan to Everyone:  05:50 PM
What is our plan for the buses and the transfer bus set-up with middle school and the high school?

From abby to Everyone:  05:50 PM
Can we sign up for Jedi after the 25th?

From Mike’s iPad to Everyone:  05:51 PM
thanks for all that you guys  and teachers are doing! we are all in this together!

From ECM to Everyone:  05:51 PM
What about Sophmores – Srs

For chrome books
From Julia Psicihulis to Everyone:  05:51 PM
How will you enforce mask-wearing? It is concerning to me that many parents are not wanting kids wearing masks.

From Kelly to Everyone:  05:51 PM
how will hearing impaired students hear other students responses to teachers when they’re wearing the masks?

From Lucas Francois to Me:  (Privately) 05:51 PM
Thank you for the positive comment.  We are trying our very best. Regards.

From Tanya’s to Everyone:  05:52 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone for everything you are doing!!! we stand behind you with whatever you decide!!

From Don Norwick to Everyone:  05:52 PM
If the hybrid approach takes effect, and days are split A-K/L-Z…classes aren’t scheduled by the alphabet, would this promote social distancing? Teachers could have 5-10 kids one day and 20 the next.

From mw to Everyone:  05:52 PM
Will the schools have before and after care as in the past?

From Gina Frahman to Everyone:  05:52 PM
What about the kids who ride the bus?

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:52 PM
adult room volunteers?

From Melissa Dreger to Everyone:  05:54 PM
I agree with the parents concerned with prolonged mask wearing. Is there a plan in place for students to take a break from wearing the mask if needed, beyond being outside/recess?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:54 PM
The HS will ask students to sign a pledge that they will agree to good hygiene, not attend school when ill, expectation to wear a mask, etc.

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:55 PM
how will you be addressing kids who refuse to wear masks for non-medical reasons?

From Vesta to Everyone:  05:55 PM
will hot spots be available to families with internet issues?

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:55 PM
desks placed in large circle

From JLP to Everyone:  05:55 PM

From Shelley Strelow to Everyone:  05:56 PM
HS: how will you be addressing kids who refuse to wear masks for non-medical reasons?

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:56 PM
how will breakout areas be handled

From dnahan to Everyone:  05:56 PM
Are we going to change the number of excused absences from school because of how strict we want to be with every sniffle and cough?

From Michelle to Everyone:  05:56 PM
I appreciate you having face to face classes … Thank you!!!!

From Greg Gotcher to Everyone:  05:56 PM
I definitely think that in person is the best route to go.  Social interaction is needed for the kids.

From abby to Everyone:  05:56 PM
Can you sign up for Jedi after the 25th?

From Jay Harris to Everyone:  05:56 PM
any specific changes to HVAC systems in the schools eg: special filters?

From Mike’s iPad to Everyone:  05:57 PM
will they use lockers

From Robin Deakins to Everyone:  05:57 PM
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the education of our children!

From Stephanie Schmitt to Everyone:  05:57 PM
I also support face to face instruction as much as possible.

From JLP to Everyone:  05:57 PM
How will mask-wearing be enforced in grade school

From jg to Everyone:  05:57 PM
High School: What about in-coming Freshmen who haven’t toured the facilities?

From Lucas Francois to Everyone:  05:57 PM
For the HS, after August 25th it is not possible to sign up for JEDI for first semester.

From jg to Everyone:  05:57 PM
had the chance

From Emma to Everyone:  05:58 PM
Last spring was a a surprise for everyone, we all did the best we could. Will parents get better resources like text books to help if we go to all virtual ?

From JLP to Everyone:  05:58 PM
I support your delay, taking into consideration current situation!

From kathleen klapka to Everyone:  05:59 PM
will masks be supplied for children who loose theirs etc.?

From Melissa Dreger to Everyone:  05:59 PM
Yes, I appreciate your delay to decide too!

From Chrissy to Everyone:  05:59 PM
second JLP. how will masking be enforced? I support in person. however have concerns with many who don’t want to enforce this.

From abby to Everyone:  05:59 PM
Can we drop Jedi if we decide to go along with what you have plan after the 25th? 

From Jennie nowicki to Everyone:  05:59 PM
good question abby

From JLP to Everyone:  05:59 PM
Thank you Chrissy

From ECM to Everyone:  06:00 PM
Thanks for the putting it together..

From Gina Frahman to Everyone:  06:00 PM
Thank you

From Andy Konicke to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Thanks!   A lot to consider.  Your efforts to bring them back are appreciated!

From Chrissy to Everyone:  06:01 PM
thank you

From ECM to Everyone:  06:01 PM
all good

From Stephanie Schmitt to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Thank you for having this, really appreciate it!

From Erin Olson to Everyone:  06:01 PM
thank you!

From Me to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Thanks to all!

From JLP to Everyone:  06:01 PM

From Heather Hutchison to Everyone:  06:01 PM
When you stream on FB Live, please check the audio, The board meetings are usually very hard to hear. Thank you!

From Jason Halonen to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Thank you!

From ds293 to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Please do both, I am not a facebook and will never be.  Thanks to all, we greatly appreciate everything you are doing.

From Tanya’s to Everyone:  06:01 PM
thank you!!

From Kris to Everyone:  06:01 PM

From bw to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Thank you

From Karen Battani to Everyone:  06:01 PM
thank you!

From Jay Harris to Everyone:  06:01 PM
Zoom offers a 500 person plan

From Amanda & David Walechka to Everyone:  06:02 PM
please don’t make me join Facebook to participate

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