Recent and upcoming events:
October: Staff Surveys Completed
November 5-6: Focus Groups Meetings Completed
November 8: Listening Session from 9:30-11:00 at Evergreen. Schwartz and Bleimehl want to hear your concerns about WGSD and how you feel they are doing as your elected representative.
November 10: Board Committee Meetings – Exit interview process for 2014-15
November 10: Special Board Meeting – Discuss appointment of Board Member
November 24: School Board Meeting – Expected presentation of school survey and focus group results by WASB
Reminder: WGSD School Board Members Doug Schwartz are holding a combined “Listening Session” this Saturday, November 8th, at the Evergreen Elementary cafeteria from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.
This is a great opportunity to meet both Mr. Schwartz and Mrs. Bleimehl in person and share your thoughts about WGSD with them. If you can not attend the meeting you can email them at their WGSD email addresses: