Last night’s public board meeting lasted 40 minutes before going into closed session. Four more district staff have resigned (3 teachers and 1 educational assistant). A few of us waited for 2 1/2 hours for them to come back into open session. Upon returning a resolution related to school climate passed unanimously. The audio portion of the recording is poor due to a vibrating air handler in the middle of the cafeteria. I did my best to clean up the sound, but it is still difficult to hear. The transcription, below, is mine. Please contact me if you feel I made an error in my interpretation after watching video #5.
The Waterford Graded School District will direct Chris Joch to bring in two outside agencies for review of our school climate, and additionally one administrator from another district who will review in closed session with these two people on (inaudible) August, pending they can make it.

The July 21, 2014 WGSD Board Meeting is now online!
Video Descriptions
- Call to Order, Consent Agenda, Administrative Reports, Personnel and Finance committee report
- Citizen Input: Matt Kranich – Need for greater transparency and comprehension of school financing by committee chair and district administrator.
- Action Items- Part 1: Approve open enrollment applications, approve updated board policy, approve budget amendment, approve new hire contracts
- Action Items- Part 2: Approve 4 more resignations (3 teachers – Katie DeBoer, Tom Bodnar, Emily Brown and 1 educational assistant – Jennifer Vorphal), approve private transportation contracts, approve budget designations, approve annual meeting date, approve district health report
- Return to Open Session and Resolution related to staff morale and resignations.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5