4k Community Presentation

Waterford Graded School District – WGSD – Waterford, WI

On Thursday, March 13th, 2014, I presented background information that is relevant to the topic of four year old kindergarten (4K) for the Waterford Graded School District. The presentation was given at the Waterford Library.  There were approximately 30 people in attendance including many local preschool directors/representatives, concerned parents, current WGSD Board member Dawn Bleimehl, and WGSD Board candidates Tom Hoffman and Jordan Karweik.

The discussion focused on two main topics: 1) the surplus revenue created by instituting a district-wide 4K program and 2) the logistics of the preferred community model where a majority of students enroll in 4K at an existing preschool center.  Very little time was spent discussing the merits of 4K because they are widely accepted, and because a majority of the WGSD Board now supports the implementation of a 4K program, including both candidates in the upcoming election.  You can view my full slide presentation and video of the community discussion that followed by scrolling down.

Video Descriptions (7 videos are displayed below – click to play or pause

  1. 4K Community Presentation
  2. 4K Discussion and Q&A
  3. Current WGSD Board Positions on 4K
  4. Candidate Jordan Karweik on 4K
  5. Candidate Tom Hoffman on 4K
  6. Meeting Closing and Thanks
  7. Full Meeting – Start to Finish Uninterrupted

Video 1 of 7 (see more below)

Video 2 of 7 (see more below)

Video 3 of 7 (see more below)

Video 4 of 7 (see more below)

Video 5 of 7 (see more below)

Video 6 of 7 (see more below)

Video 7 of 7

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