The August 18, 2014 WGSD Board Meeting is now online!
The school board listens to Kathy Hoppe, Assistant District Administrator, describe options for next years district wide 4K program (2015-16). A motion by Dan Jensen and Doug Schwartz to limit 4K to the District’s existing buildings failed, with Dawn Bleimehl, Tom Hoffman and Bob Kastengren voting opposed (the interesting discussion on this 4K action item begins at 2:30 in video #3). The administration will now continue to develop a list of requirements that community 4K facilities would need to comply with in order to offer WGSD funded 4K services. This list will be discussed at September’s Policy and Curriculum meeting. Interested parties are encouraged to attend and/or send their concerns to the full Board via email.
Video Descriptions
Call to Order, Consent Agenda, Administrative Reports, and committee reports
President Kastengren’s response to the email concern about closed session violations followed by citizen input (response) from Matt Kranich and several board members.
Action Items- Approve new contracts, employee resignations (Marla Douville, Rachel Harmeling, Andrea Kebekkus, Rebecca Tiffany, Bridget LaMonthe, Amanda Wilks and Allison Zuehlsdorf), receipt of bullying data, open enrollment exceptions, and 4K program design (beginning at 2:30 in video #3).